A Park Ridge native and Maine South alumnus, Jack Timperley graduated from Northeastern Illinois University this year with degrees in Philosophy and Business Administration.
Before attending Northeastern 2019, Jack began his higher education journey as a Wentcher Scholar at Oakton Community College. At the time he began school there, his plan was to complete 2 years at Oakton, and transfer to IIT as a Mechanical Engineering major. However, his plans began to change as he took courses in philosophy and business.
Helping to open his eyes to different possibilities, Jack says he thoroughly enjoyed his time at Oakton. On Oakton’s campus he was a prominent student leader as the student trustee of Oakton’s Student Government, Director of Honors and Action of their Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society chapter, and the Editor-In-Chief of OCCurrence, Oakton’s student newspaper which Jack helped to revive during his time there.
After two years, Jack received the Wentcher Foundation Transfer Scholarship, designed to help Wentcher Scholars of Oakton Community College pay for two years of community college and then transfer to four year institutions to finish their degrees.
At Northeastern, Jack continued to be involved on campus. He was a part of Northeastern’s Honors Program and served as a student senator for Northeastern’s Student Government. Jack says that he is extremely grateful for the opportunity to complete two degrees at Northeastern with no debt, and gives thanks to the Wentcher Foundation for helping to make that happen.
Currently, Jack is working on his own LLC which he describes as “professional super- heroism.” Through his LLC, Captain Marrow, Jack works as a public speaker and comic book writer.
Inspired by his own recovery after a bone marrow transplant, Jack has partnered with the Be The March Foundation, a part of the National Bone Marrow Donor Registry Program, to travel to various comic conventions to encourage people to become donors. Additionally, Jack works with hospitals, fundraisers, and other events to encourage people to become donors as well as encourage people who may be facing health challenges of their own.
In the past 10 years, Jack has been to about seven comic conventions in the Chicagoland area. He has yet to attend a convention officially as Captain Marrow because he is still working on some details. One in particular is Captain Marrow’s costume. Sponsored by Ironhead Studios, the same studio that works on Marvel and DC costumes, Jack is currently working on his costume with a designer in Cincinnati. Additionally, he says that he hopes to begin writing, creating, and selling comic books based on Captain Marrow by the end of the year.
Ultimately, Jack said in his role as Captain Marrow, he is looking forward to inspiring people to help save lives as well as inspire those going through hard times.
For more information about Jack Timperley and his role as Captain Marrow please visit his websites, www.jacktimperley.com and www.captainmarrow.com.
We at the Wentcher Foundation are extremely proud of Jack, and we look forward to seeing his success!

Author: Nia Harris
Currently living in NYC, Nia Harris is a NYU graduate and Fulbright Scholar working for the Wentcher Foundation as the Program Associate. She writes for her own blog, Nashari which you can find here.